Seferihisar is Preparing for the Mandarin Festival

Anasayfa / Haberler / Seferihisar is Preparing for the Mandarin Festival

Seferihisar is Preparing for the Mandarin Festival
Seferihisar is Preparing for the Mandarin Festival

Seferihisar Municipality will organize the 18th Mandarin Festival.

The famous Mandarin Festival will be organized in Seferihisar on 17-18-10 November 2017, where the world’s best satsuma mandarins are grown. The festival event will flourish with interesting competitions and shows, Feridun Düzagaç concert and Dogukan Manço’s performance.


With this years’ festival will last for three days. We target to support and promote the producers, increase the product quality, promote the brand identity, expand the promotion options, setting up the Seferihisar brand for the mandarins, finding new markets and increasing the profits. 18th Seferihisar Mandarin Festival will start on Friday 17th November at 14:00 at the market square with “The Best Course and Dessert with Mandarin” and “Mandarin Themed Souvenir” competitions.

The second day, Sunday 18th will start at 10:00 with the event, “Pick Yourself Some Mandarins”, which will be followed by the opening of Children Municipality Baris Manco Park. The late Baris Manco’s son, Dogukan Manco will perform his father’s show “Adam Olacak Cocuk”, which was published on TV for many years.


The third day of the festival will start with the “Best Mandarin Grower” and “Mandarin King and Queen” competitions at the closed marketplace. The renowned musician Feridun Duzagac will give a concert. There will be trays on display reserved for NGO’s and producers.