Seferihisar’s Waters Will Generate Electricity

Anasayfa / Haberler / Seferihisar’s Waters Will Generate Electricity

Seferihisar’s Waters Will Generate Electricity
Seferihisar’s Waters Will Generate Electricity

Seferihisar’s rich geothermal waters will generate electricity.

İzmir Jeotermal AŞ., the joint company of İzmir Governorship and İzmir Metropolitan Municipality signed the agreement with the company winning the tender for the operations of Cumalı and Tuzla geothermal resources for generating electricity. The new power plant is planned to produce 10 million kW/h power.

İzmir Governor Mustafa Toprak informed that the operational model including fixed rental fee and a revenue share will be implemented in Turkey for the first time.

The Mayor Kocaoğlu said founding a thermal spa in Seferihisar is among the plans.The tender-winning company RSC Elektrik is guaranteeing of undertaking the power plants of an annual 8-10 millions kW/h power capacity in three years.