Seferihisar Municipality initiated a “Game and Toys Atelier” in the Children and Youth Center to protect children against hazardous-low quality toys and spending too much time indoors.
The four-day atelier, a joint-venture of Seferihisar Municipality, AD Oyuncak and Atölye Hayat will include wood toy-making lessons, rag doll making with cotton fabrics, clay atelier and street games. The children accompanied by teachers, will be able to learn and practice traditional street games.
At the first day of the event, the state artist Adnan Karagülle tought children how to create natural wood toys at home . Ms. Suzan Yılmaz will be the lecturer at the second day, the ceramic artist Naciye Özkılıç at the third day and Associate Professor Engin Deniz Eriş at the last day for enterpreneurship atelier.
Seferihisar Mayor Tunç Soyer highlighted the importance of play in children’s upbringing. “The digital age, despite the numerous advantages, have also negative impacts on the yuvenile’s life, they gather around and play less with each other. But we know that the children grow healthier when they spend more time outdoors playing with their friends. This atelier is a chance for children to build toys with traditional methods, spend time together and play. I would like to thank AD Oyuncak, Atölye Hayat, the lecturers and the families for participating in this event. “